Archive for February, 2006

You Never Lie

Posted at: 12:40 am
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Little does one see when their looking inside of your bed of lies,
its depressing to know that the person you are
is far from how you appear in their eyes .
Have you no desire of considering the truth,
i can by far use it a weapon against you,
just smile from day to day and say something sweet to me,
because in the end it will always come back to me because i created you,
you are me we are one and no one knows the person they see
you are the one no one was supposed to see except me.
this is a poem i wrote if u consider it to be one. :9.

i dedicate it to that person who knows that their full of ….. and without a notice they continue in their ways, why can’t their facade be more than that. i want..for nothing at all.

Grieve For Just Awhile

Posted at: 8:01 pm
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another day at school but so different it is than any other day i had. like i talk to this person and it was quite a great conversation about after these school days where might we embark upon…what do we want to study and etc. i enjoyed the conversation and that person enlightened my perspective on what i want to do after high school which is inshallah go to college and go further to even attain bachleors etc, i am boring you guys aren’t i well so far their has been no comments so i’m guessing no one wants to read about me..:p it doesnt really matter to me whether i get a comment or dont it just relieves me of my thoughts of the day and i can simply type them out and its like a diary to me. but don’t get me wrong, i will never tell you my deepest darkest secrets. 🙂 cause that is beyond the stupidest thing to do.

today’s my little sisters birthday FEB 5 and she’s turning four. inshallah she makes her wishes and they come true. lol. Barney is a dinaosaur with our imagination, omg like she loves this cartoon or whatever its called and has everything on it from dvds, lunchbox, colors, magazines, games, etc. i get sick of seeing it at times but neeways, she loves tom & jerry well this cartoon i love too. you never get bored with it and it always leaves you in a trance whether you turned the channel intinally to watch the cartoon or simply came upon by a mistake. you will end up watching it and the rest of the world is ( i get off topic quite easily which is so sad). well, just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, happy birthday to L#j@^n. ( i’m sorry but i like to keep names unknown you never know who comes across and then blah blah why did u do this & that).

sleep can do grand things for you like erase everything from this world for just a few hours where your dreams can come true. i often sleep with a dream in mind and thats why i love to sleep and am addicted to it. i close my eyes and imagine what i want to see and i dose off and when i awake, the dreams always leave me wanting more ( simply making me dread to wake up and want to continue on what my mind has created for me).

beautiful day, unrelating title to this page but from now on, all my titles might be that vague and unrelating. but always will i either close with a song i love, or a poem i wrote or anything…why not post a picture my blogg is looking to dull.:p. i never run out of things to say, i think that makes me uncharming lol, right this moment i have more to comment about but lets leave it at this. James Blunt:
“Do you see the truth through all their lies? Do you see the world through troubled eyes? And if you want to talk about it anymore, Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder, i’m a friend. I have seen birth i have seen death. Lived to see a lover’s final breath. Do you see my guilt? Should i feel fright? Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?..”

Feeling A Moment Slip Away

Posted at: 10:02 pm
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whats more to say, the world is going its separate way and im trying to pave a path for me. why cant saying your thoughts be easy. it has taken me quite awhile to simply start with this first sentence to say. damn its a hard thing to do when all thats about you is in its own …. can’t we all just get along.

i’ve noticed quite often when the news is on, all you find is problems, and chaos going around. why can’t they put something joyous and that dosent break our hearts. i thought we were supposed to spread the joy to people all we seem to be doing is making everyone turn againts each other for the most pathetic reasons you can ever think of. ooh wtf am i blabbing about now is there nothin worth the while to say.

Neeways, i just wanted to try this for once and hopefully get some comments that wont be distressful and rude. oh what the hell, we are all entitled to our points of views. there’s too much to say but little comes out while you contemplate what you want at this moment to express. and what i am right now is “CONFLICTED” with all these troubles and im only what going to be SEVENTEEN on Feb.8 not so far away huh.. oh well i guess i should stop for now and catch up with this tomorow if i get some time off from that and this. i’ll just leave you with some words forom a band i love, the veils:
“So little knowledge known to me so little colour left to see but black and white black and white a silhouette at seventeen if they can find what’s left for me for the fire burn in the fire.”