1:22 PM

An ice cube grazes my wrist. Blood is comforting. I tell you, without the use of words, there is only numbness when you touched.
Nothing is hurting.
I held my body still. I tensed. Remain silent.
Distant but absurdly quiet,
Your nestled in my heart.
Two hearts in the same room. Growing silence. Gently absorb the discomfort. Four eyes close. Lips curl upward.
My lips are apart.
A word is longing for rebirth. I bite my lip to close.
Begin again.
The blood is comforting. I suck at my wound. Slow and soft. You close your eyes,
Your beautiful..
Your beautiful….
Do you know that you really are beautiful….
Moist eyes begin.
I want to feel again.
Interrupt my circulation. Pause the blood flow.
Open my heart.
I will let you crawl back in.
Momentarily, I wanted to say it. Momentarily, I needed you to say it. Slice my tongue with glass. Cut my lips with a knife. Let the juice of a lemon soak my face.
Be gentle. I beg.
Begin again.
I will stand numb.
I promise.