Archive for November, 2008

A piece complete.

Posted at: 6:28 pm
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Whats it to you? To realize that my bed of roses have died. Whats it to you? If I told you that you are not what you seem to be. You were better in the figment of my imagination, in the privacy of my dreams. Words do not draw meaning, and meanings do not come from your heart. I have rarely found happiness in your existance, and its not going to hurt when you cease to exist.

Life strangely smiled back at me, as I drew our blinds shut. In this darkness, I will not follow you with my heart. I am standing back, and setting things aside. I will be to you as you are to me. In our difference, much remains the same. Stop this profound resisting to resist. Simply give in.

Bright eyes, your blue smile makes me smile. Your something unspoken just drew my end. Here’s to the feeling of broken glass, feeling complete once again.

Lesson *1

Posted at: 7:54 am
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Life changes in an instance. No one ever stays. You move on, you let things unravel, and you paint pictures titled beautiful. You appreciate what you have, even after its gone. Life lesson, I appreciate life, and the changes coming.

I hope you do too…