Random Loves Me ( He Said So)

Posted at: 9:27 pm
Filed under : Uncategorized

*i started reading a novel at 9 pm and finished it at 1 am. ( everything and the moon i give to you)

*who came up with na7oo – i’d like to give that person a piece of my mind -physically (oft..i just cant seem to soak that crap into my head)

*i think a new blog layout is deem fit to spice this battlefield…(processing a new theme)

*i’ve done nothing productive except sleep from 1 pm thursday until 2ish in the evening this friday…it seems for the past few days i sleep and awake at 2 pm…(i ususally wake early on the weekends..and to think how can you be productive if you sleep 😉 the irony)

*when i fall in love with something, i keep to it for awhile and hours later, i hate it…my constant love springs about hate…(i’m talking about songs. etc.)

*8 minutes into the show ‘Ugly Betty’ the latest eposide…i stopped it unintentionally, but then i didnt even bother to resume from where i left off….the show seems to have lost its touch.
*i am two steps away from screaming with joy, first i have to write a couple of words overcoming something and push the send button and i’m off and about….(no more constrained thoughts…i’ll beg no pardon 😉 at least temporarily not yet)

*i think i shall start another book, screw na7oo i’ll cramp for it tomorrow….but i will refrain from finishing the book…i need something to get me through another joyous week of school (sacrasm intended)

*i offered you a box of not chocolates…just pesky insects… cause that is what you are …(night)

*why do you give my hopes away?…>?

*dont you just love my random titles…they are never related to my posts most of the time…:)

3 Responses so far

  1. 1

    ScarlO said,

    November 25, 2006 @ 12:55 am

    na7oo is a pain in the arse isn’t it? 😀

    I haven’t watched much of Ugly Betty but it looks good to me. So far at least. I’m not much of a TV person though and still haven’t watched 2 full episodes yet.

    Read ‘Year of Wonders’ 😀

  2. 2

    Sunny said,

    November 25, 2006 @ 6:52 pm

    The person that came up with na7o, I heard, was wa7id irani 😀

  3. 3

    Your Battlefield said,

    November 25, 2006 @ 11:44 pm


    it is no mere pain in the arse, its a so much more :b

    hehehe, its not on tv at least not for me, god bless downloading, seriously. you havent watched 2 full episodes…what seems to be the cause of your distraction? 🙂

    will try to find it ‘year of wonders’, and then sulk it all in 😛 i love books that begin in old england…so i’ll begin the search soon…


    interesting, i hold no ill regards towards him, i just want him to know all he did was irrelevant, just a way to sting our behinds…argh

    as im typing this, im studying na7oo…got a damn test oft


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