Board the Plane

Posted at: 12:20 am
Filed under : Life

I wish instead of air planes taking us to our planned destinations, we could momentarily blink and conjure the location of our travel to avoid the discomforting seats on the flight, the abundance of noise on the plane and sustainable turbulence. And with that the no water in the bathrooms only from the sink drain will be agreeable. Hmph. What I am suggesting now is Technology steer the gateway towards my creative new way of travel.  In the blink of the eye. Smart ingenious people out there, here my voice and invent an easier way to reduce the motion sickness and dizziness one feels after a fourteen hour flight. No drugs involved, i dislike pills. I prefer the natural way of readjusting my biological clock.

Anyways, I am on American soil. I am lounging back reinforcing and recharging my energy for what’s yet to come. I am totally enjoying the green grass, the beautiful scenery as well as the cable or choices of channels to watch. But somethings back home in kuwait are irreplaceable. IRREPLACEABLE.

Pictures to follow my further posts when I get around to snapping the shots, I’ll kindly share :). I’ll see you guys later. Love, love, love. <3

I am glad I am not jet lagged yet. Glad.

1 Response so far

  1. 1

    Jacqui said,

    August 3, 2007 @ 5:12 pm

    Well I guess on your return trip you guys will be travelling on Business which is much more comfortable than the class you took this time hahahaha! And yeah it is great. Enjoy the scenary as much as you can!


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