I Wish I Could

Posted at: 12:22 am
Filed under : Uncategorized

So how about this little creation, nice or just ugly, first time i ever draw a doodle of a guy, how do u think he is..and what about their facial expressions, are they to your liking or are they just dull and feel unrealistic..i would love your feedback….. So i just finished doing my english homework, it was so much just for one class, i still have to do another class’s homework and then finally study for a test. too much to do, but hopefully i’ll finish in time so i can go to sleep by 1 30 am. i am so tired and parished from my outing today.

well today school day was a half-day, we went to school and then came home in the afternoon at about 12 usually we arent let out until 2 3o. though it was a carefree day, it ended up being really busy, too many things to do . i could have made it a carefree happy day if only i did the homework the day it was assigned but then again what is the essence of life without some stress and blah blah blah, well i dont know i definitely dont regret not doing my homework early because i am odd and i dont know. i sense that the information sticks in my mind and i will remember it and again blah blah blah. so today i went to this thingy somewhere to do something, going with my pops, lil lil sis and jacqui. i had a nice time, browsing and collecting all these brochures and what are the other things called, i duno. if you are curious to know what it was, it was a fair for colleges, and thats probably boring to you but i was excited and those people are so kind and sweet not like what you see daily in hehehe i wont say anymore.

i should stop talking and get back to work so i can sleep and i need to wake up in a few hours for another day at school, my god how many more days till spring break, hehehe, like about 9 more days till zzzzzzz….. infinte and undistrubed.

i’m in love with james blunt, not him but his songs and his beautiful voice, and u know what i will end up doing, i am going to probably listen to his songs contiously and by the weekend i will find someone else to get all hyped up about and then again discard their songs, because i give myself too much of this and that and in the end i am unsatisfied, i should leave some room for more and not fill myself up. i write tooo much and my words are my thoughts that are all so blurred and i have too many at the same time. endless they are.

“i wish i could surrender my soul, see a lie that burns within my needing, i wish i chose darkness from cold, i wish i screamed out loud instead of found no meaning i guess its time i run for awhile to find comfort in pain and old pleasures are the same, hiding my true shape.”-james blunt… i kind of altered his lyrics to my liking i didnt follow his words exactly i added and deserted some 😛 ooops i always do that, because nothing is to my liking 😀 so i have to subsitute things here and there………..

2 Responses so far

  1. 1

    Purgatory said,

    March 14, 2006 @ 3:43 pm

    1) write shorter posts

    2) do not keep writing about school

    3) doodle pictures should be in seperate posts.

    4) yes I like your doodle.

  2. 2

    Your Battlefield said,

    March 14, 2006 @ 7:43 pm

    1) i cant control my hand, it seems to write on its own so i’m sorry cant do that request.

    2) but i’m in school, and life is not yet happening for me so what else am i gonna to write about, are u suggesting i write my posts about PURGATORY.;)

    3) am no expert in this blogsphere so i have no clue, when im free from school (and its stress) i will inshallah devote my time to liven up my blog and create separate folders for everything.

    4) my doddles like you tooo.:r

    p.s you see i cant control the typing, i like wrote to you a post like comment, go figure what that means but I don;t Learn Do I 😛

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