
Posted at: 10:55 pm
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It’s like ripping off a band aide, and at first the bleeding was nothing serious, and the scar never hurt. But now that the band aide is coming off, I’m all exposed and my wound actually hurts ..

An oval circle, and your two round eyes ..
A voice of beautiful, and my heart just lies ..

You can’t hurt a wound that’s healing, and you can’t damage a heart that doesn’t love. I thought I knew, but every stitch that I touched, my knowing became less and the words couldn’t do ..

It’s like ripping off a band aide that never needed to be called an aide. It wasn’t as serious of a wound, or a scar or a black bruise. It doesn’t matter quite that much anymore .. It just hurts ..

A cage and a glass, a bird touches a dove ..
I wish you could understand ..
That the band aide you just placed on my heart,
It’s not doing much ..

It hurts well enough ..

Then again, I’m still breathing ..
Nothing can ever hurt ..
I said I’m healing ..
And the words make do ..

it really does hurt …

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